Halo Name Game (Resurrection)
pun – n. A joke exploiting the different possible meanings of a word or the fact that there are words that sound alike but have different meanings.
The Halo Name Game. That weird shit we made up while playing countless hours of Halo. It started as simply trying to come up with the most bad ass codename to instill fear in all who challenged us. Then it quickly evolved (as did most things we created) into the clever, sometimes cringe-worthy word challenge it is today.
The Rules: There are rules? The best Halo Names are ones that sound like an actual word or phrase.
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Ex: Robin Banks, Annie Mae Shawn, Sir Realism, Jocelyn Balls etc
Some names bend the rules but may still be valid. We can leave it to a review here. And so gentlemen, I hereby resurrect the Halo Name Game…
Sharon Dick
Wyatt O. Penn
Webb Weaver
Rocky C. Shore
Ricard Plaiyer
Rock DeBoate
Carl Own
Lorna D. Rings
Nick Names
Herda Goetz
Ms. E. Lanyous
Doug Graves
Mei King-Monae
Skeet Pharr
Grant Clement C.
Arie Hola! (Sorry, the floodgates have opened…)
Midas Well
Cash R. Credit
Alicia Tried
haha +1
B. Leif N’youseff
Leif B. Hinds
Reza Maye
Love Youseff
Han Jobs
Laurent Brown Stone
Whitey Powers
Phillip Glass
Miles Stone
[slow clap]
Billy Rubin
That’s hilarious. Although I was forced to learn this term when I got a kidney stone. Hopefully thats not the case with you. Drink water, son.
Mr. Bayton Daly.
This took me 3 looks. You sir, are a riot.
Ron Debut
Colonel Panic
Paul Bearer

ha oh man, classic.
Klara Nett
Ella Vader
Rocky Coast
Hugh Jorgan
Al Pacca
Sir Veysa
ha i missed this one. well done
Kurt Vague
Roland Call
Alfie David
General Specific (pretty sure this is an old one?)
Colonel Corn
Private Publics
Major Miner
Admiral Abel
Not quite an entry but worth an honorable mention here.
wow thats actually pretty surprising. its only a matter of time before the twitter rage arrives… I hate that my first reaction to that isn’t lol, but ‘oooh thats gonna offend someone.’
Krystal Shanda Leer
Miles Long
Apparently Dick Swett is a congressman!
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Andy Scriminant
Nancy Boy
Fannie Pak
Hammer Pantz
Gabe Oy
Kitty Licker
Jen Derbender
Sallie Forth
Tallie Ho
Marcus Absent
Walter Wallcarpeting
Rediscovering this one. Damn I’m good! 🙂
Russell Feathers
Marquez Buster
Jack Moves
Randy Hunter
Michael Check
Paige Turner
Damn someone is on a tear. True Story: a friend of a friend mentioned they considered naming their daughter this. I recommended against, she already exists and is a pornstar…
Hunter B. Eaton
Well played!
Master Don
Sterling Keyes
Pearl E. Gates O. Penn
Waed Bertha
B.Q. Wyatt
Armstrong Mann-Handler
Katt Skinner
Booker Maggie Zena Penn
Pa Prince
“Curly” Locke O’Hare
Brad Nails
Udon Naomi
Willie Duer is apparently a real person. see the wiki
fun AND educational. this site has it all!
Doris Ajar
Annette Worth
Anne Droyd
Libby Tarian
Demi Nies
Dom Nant Gene
Jeanie Nabottle
Ms. L’Toe
Mr. Ekshun
Ben Dover
ah c’mon, now we’re just phoning it in.
Hugh Gogurl
Bahahaha. Yes!
Anna Logg
ha, bonus points for the double cross post comment.
Mickey Deeznutz
Charles Bronsky (my personal classic)
Noah Hardfeelings
Shit, I missed this somehow on first viewing +1 sir, good show.
Bobby Ganoush