Beat Challenge 2
The Beat Challenge:
In which our heroes make a beat using the same source material.
The Source Material:
Byrne and Barnes – “Love You Out of Your Mind”
(selected by Electric Bill)
The Rules:
All files should be uploaded anonymously by 11:59pm Tues, May 31st.
Voting is on a 5 point scale of your choice. (5 gold stars, 3 half-eaten chips)
All feedback, critiques, and voting will appear in the comment section.
By Friday (it’s a long holiday, bug off), all votes will be counted and a Winner is announced.
Upload files to the Media Library. Files must not exceed 20mb.
The Entries:
Entry#1, “Out of my mind”:
Entry#2, “Stereophonicxx”:
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Entry#3 “Out of Yo Damn Mind”:
Entry#4, “lastnightwaslovely”:
Challenge 2 Results:
This time we also reveal identities!…
Timothy D. Lirious – Entry#1: 10.5 pts
SoulRebelScum – Entry#3: 10.75 pts
Electric Bill – Entry#2: 11.5 pts
Norm DePlume – Entry#4: 12.5 pts!!!
“Thanks, fellas! This was a close one! It’s been cool to get a peek at everyone’s various techniques and processes. Pleasure to serve with you on this tour.”
As The Winner, you get to choose the next Source Material for Beat Challenge 3! You can choose from the recommendation list we build or go rogue and pick something on your own. With great power comes great responsibility…
Well done, you magnificent bastard 🙂 clearly i need to step up my game.
Very well then…
Entry# 1: If Wagon Christ made a song for Gran Turismo on playstation 2. 3.5 Turns Lock-to-Lock out of 5.
Entry#2: Oceans Upon Notions Of Energetic Thought. 4 Acid Tabs out of 5.
Entry#3: Dichard B. Jems makes a dance track for African Tribes from Not-Earth. 4.5 White Dwarves Out of 5.
Entry#4: Perfect for French Protest Rap from the mid aughts. 3.5 Cigarettes with a little bit of pepper spray on them out of 5.
Yo he said, “French Protest Rap”. Im (x,X)
Excellent work this week fellas — ya’ll are creative AF and i enjoyed listening to each of these tracks. It’s gonna be a hard one but here goes:
Entry#1: This track is tight. I’m most intrigued by the drum work. The patterns are on point. Definitely takes me back to the aphex days. Nice, tight little groove and the hilarity of the Byrnes and Barnes sample at the end had me dying. I give it a solid 4 out 5 cans of La Croix.

Entry#2: dig the structure of this one. Extra chill, moody and open. That flute in the middle is extra verby and the end beat is a nice lil treat. Imma give this a solid 3 out 5 crying Oprah’s.

Entry#3: This is definitely the WTF mix of the bunch but its mad fun. The breathing and clapping is ill, and the sample is well chosen. the mix is just a tad too low but who’s counting. Oh, I am. Imma give this one 3 Jesus Pez dispensers:

Entry #4: Oh, we trappin’? everything about this goes hard. As such, I’m giving it five Ron Jeremy’s

Entry #1
I like that it feels like many parts of the song were sourced. I also dig all the changes in drum patterns, but perhaps a bit scattered. The narrative created with the voice sample and the callback at end is really fun. However, I think the mix is a little light. Might-could have used a bit of bump.
Score: Solid 3 tropical cocktails.
Entry #2
Another fun use of vocals. Fun intro. Love the melody that was derived from the original tune. The dynamics are great too. Crisp and very moody. Feels like I’m floating in a vast ocean. Has the ship sailed at the 1:50 mark? While there are some great moments here, it takes a bit too long to hit aground at 2:30.
Score: I give it 3 luxury cruise ships, for the journey.

What in the holy fuck? I mean that rhythm is just about everything. Confrontational as it is groovy AF. Although its gets a bit repetitive by the end, I give this 4 aggro apes because I couldn’t help but move to it even after it finished playing.
Score: 4 Aggro Apes

Entry #4
Holy hi-hats, batman! A trap beat! The reverse sample works really well here. Tough to stay minimal without sacrificing significant bump. I’d say the mix is very low, had to raise the volume to catch the vocal stabs. Maybe some good EQing would help here.
Score: I give it 4 solid hi-hats here

Entry 1:
this is a fun little groove. interesting how this and entry 2 are both imploring us to listen to the tunes with mindfulness, or at least give them a chance?! lol. great ending
4 empty bottles of bourbon out of 5
Entry 2:
Ha! the beginning is great. quite funny. the 1st beat is great! like an old aphex track or tycho or something. very listenable. I’d be curious to learn what you did there. the interlude is moody, kinda sounds like a dj shadow snippet, then the beat comes back and im dancin again 🙂
4.5 chocolate easter bunnies out of 5
Entry 3:
Damn you really went for it. Well done. This sounded like what you’d hear at the club as the roofies kicked in. especially the heavy breathing/panting. Nice use of the tempo changes!
3.75 american flag pins out of 5
Entry 4:
This is fun, I like the backwards bit, thats something I played with too, but couldn’t get it to work in a fun way. Great track to practice some verses over, I’d wager.
4 rocky mountain oysters out of 5
Overall I’m very impressed. and pumped we all participated! I had a bitch of a time getting anything useable to sample. I think I ended up with 4 or 5 proto tracks before I scraped away all the crap and settled into something listenable. maybe ill put up one of those when this is done. actually that’d be fun, to see under the hood and look at the aborted previous works…
My phone this morning after pressing play on these new tunes…
VOTING IS NOW OPEN! Do your worst…