Beat Challenge 1
The Beat Challenge:
In which our heroes make a beat using the same source material.
The Source Material:
Any version of John Coltrane’s – “In A Sentimental Mood”
(selected by Norm De Plume)
The Rules:
All files should be uploaded anonymously by 11:59pm Sunday, April 30th.
Voting is on a 5 point scale of your choice. (5 gold stars, 3 half-eaten chips)
All feedback, critiques, and voting will appear in the comment section.
By Wednesday, all votes will be counted and a Winner is announced.
Upload files to the Media Library. Files must not exceed 20mb.
The Entries:
Entry#1, “In A Sentient Mental Illness Mood”:
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Entry#3, “Sentai_Mental_0x0”:
Late, Failed and out of Luck: “petrucciani”:
Challenge 1 Results!:
Entry#1: 8 pts
Entry#3: 8 and 1/4 pts
Entry#2 with a clean 9 and 1/3 pts!!!
Nice work, B! You have prevailed. Your work will go down on the anals of time.
As The Winner, you get to choose the next Source Material for Beat Challenge 2! You can choose from the recommendation list we build or go rogue and pick something on your own. With great power comes great responsibility…
Alright Fellas, hurr it is…let’s get saucy. Waves. Beat Challenge #2:
I would’ve given this 5 stars, if only it had made the time cut. 😉 well done sir.
Thanks yall, it was fun, B’s shit was def deserving though. All the props. For my next trick, I shall deliver goods in a timely manner!
Thanks G!
DUDE, That “Petrucciani” is solid fuegos! That sample is sumptuous. I kinda love that you don’t know exactly where its gonna land at first. Then those drums kick in and boosh, we are off! Hot shit fam. Keep this one in the archive. Maybe we can get Des Moines to rock on it.
I give it a solid 5 glasses of Syrah being shattered by an invisible force…

PS: after it played, Cassius said,”Bravo!” and applauded. So there’s that.
Yaaaaas. Here we go. Im digging this whole Beat Challenge. Ready for round Two. So:
Love this jawn. Crazy moody — sounds like the dusty score to a classic 60s Godard film. Sick use of the sample as well. The deconstruction of the source material is well done. And the outro is perfect. Would love to hear some digital drums / percussion come in at some point just for a bit. Bravo. I give this a solid 4 orphaned children out of five.
Love this one too for a lot of the same reasons as #1. The chops are used well and that explosion/commentary in the middle was a nice transition into that chill ass beat at the end. The flip to that beat is ridiculous. Imma give this one 4.5 out of 5 beluga whale penises — the beat at the end was infectious.
Good job gents. This is ill.
And now that the masks are off — My source material:
and of course:
1st of all, very happy to see that dash-one at the end of the URL address. looking forward to round 2!
Entry #1 – garbage, start over :-p
Entry #2 – the vocals are a nice touch, I’d like to see the source you used on this. that eerie synth sound that comes in at 0:29 is tasty. this is just begging for some lazily-delivered, low-voiced flow on top. the breakdown at 2:23 is nice, I’d like to hear the drums and bass come back slightly different though, mutated, maybe as a series of rolling 8ths? but same melody.
I’m not sure how to judge these so I’ll just give it 4+1/3 stars so it’s not all downhill from here.
Entry #3 – This sounds like what you might hear in a scnee in a Cinemax original series, when the opium hits our hero in the den and cnn is on for some reason, like he’s falling in super slow mo for the first 40sec. Then he hits the ground and we’re in a flashback to his days as a hired gun in a jazz club. A thoughtful reconstruction, 3 and 3 quarter stars.
Im gonna try to insert this pic, but here’s a link just in case:
nice, that shit worked. well done gentlemen. I have a suggestion for round 2, whenever ya’lls up for it.
I’m all ears for suggestions for new shit to flip. Lets all make some recommendations and we can let The Winner choose from that list or go rogue and pick something on their own!
Which leads me to the next item on the agenda…
all in all a very fun experiment and cool to see the differences. ill have to do a proper write up later tonight.
Entry # 2 – This a fun one. I’m a sucker for vocal chops. The level of polish on the mix is great. Several layers of funk but its mixed so its all still very clearly in service of the main groove. And I kinda love the finger snap drum fill. (how’d you get Kevin Hart to record that for you?) In general, this smooth shit knocks. Good work.
My Score – 5 Premium bottles of Courvoisier

I’ll set it off…
Entry # 1 – Really dug this deconstruction of the tune. I was hoping one of use would do something this removed from the original material. Kinda loungey atmosphere but bordering on upbeat electronica. I really like the driving tempo and the subtle drum breaks here.
My Score – 4 half-lit Cuban cigars

(just updated the comment section to allow image and video URLS. Just add URL as you would and the media should appear)
Having said that, this is how I felt after listening to the newest tunes, you beautiful bastards!
Don’t miss this guy. He was wrought with a painful, debilitating disease his whole life but the funk superseded that shit. What the hell am I doing with my life?